New Interview - "Transmuting Grief"
Jessica Roemischer is featured on the Asad Badruddin Podcast
"When God Smiles" An interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu
by Jessica Roemischer
As a journalist, Jessica Roemischer dialogued with some of the world's spiritual and cultural luminaries.
This exclusive interview with Nobel-prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, reveals how one man's unshakable faith
could change the course of his country and the world.
This exclusive interview with Nobel-prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, reveals how one man's unshakable faith
could change the course of his country and the world.
In memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., Jessica Roemischer set his final speech to the music of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
Audio Readings and Writings
Saints, mystics, and prophets from all times and traditions have been aware of something beyond themselves.
By whatever name they've called it, these remarkable women and men have all been 'in duet' with that presence, In Duet with God.
These contemplations are inspired by great teachers and texts,
those who help awaken us to the precious realm of Love that's in our midst.
By whatever name they've called it, these remarkable women and men have all been 'in duet' with that presence, In Duet with God.
These contemplations are inspired by great teachers and texts,
those who help awaken us to the precious realm of Love that's in our midst.
Recognizing the Sacred in Everyday Life
A Contemplation on Hope
The Power of Prayer
Light Eternal
The world is embedded with clues, insights and revelations. Light is one of them.
We are nourished by light. On a beautiful morning, the sun enlivens and renews us.
Every cell in the body rejoices...
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We are nourished by light. On a beautiful morning, the sun enlivens and renews us.
Every cell in the body rejoices...
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Living Hope
"God is there in the fiery furnace with us." Archbishop Tutu
While all the world is full of suffering,
It is also full of the overcoming of suffering.
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While all the world is full of suffering,
It is also full of the overcoming of suffering.
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